Measurements and Metric systems worksheets

Math worksheets on measurements and metric systems. Suitable PDF printable measurement and metric systems worksheets for children in the following grades : kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade and 7th grade. Worksheets cover the following measurement topics: measurement instruments, temperature readings, speedometer readings, length of objects, measuring angles, measuring shape sides, converting customary scales, feet, inches, cm, mm, km , yards, etc

Measurements for Kindergarten

Meaurements thermometer

Meaurements thermometer

Measurements for 1st Grade

Measurements using tapes rulers

Measurements using tapes rulers
Measurements of squares triangles

Measurements of squares triangles
Meaurements reading thermometers

Meaurements reading thermometers

Measurements for 2nd Grade

Measure the length of lines

Measure the length of lines
Measurements using a ruler

Measurements using a ruler
Measurements of shapes

Measurements of shapes
Meaurements thermometer

Meaurements thermometer
Reading measurements with instruments

Reading measurements with instruments

Measurements for 3rd Grade

Converting mm to cm

Converting mm to cm
Measure rectangles

Measure rectangles
Measurements with a ruler

Measurements with a ruler
Measuring lines

Measuring lines
Readings on thermometer

Readings on thermometer

Measurements for 4th Grade

Converting scales mm cm feet yard

Converting scales mm cm feet yard
Measure angles

Measure angles
Measure rectangles and calculate the area

Measure rectangles and calculate the area
Meaurements thermometer

Meaurements thermometer

Measurements for 5th Grade

Converting scales mm cm feet yard

Converting scales mm cm feet yard
Measure angles

Measure angles
Measure rectangles and calculate the area

Measure rectangles and calculate the area
Meaurements thermometer

Meaurements thermometer

Measurements for 6th Grade

Converting scales mm cm feet yard

Converting scales mm cm feet yard
Measure angles

Measure angles
Measure rectangles and calculate the area

Measure rectangles and calculate the area
Meaurements thermometer

Meaurements thermometer

Measurements for 7th Grade

Metric system converting scales

Metric system converting scales
US metric system

US metric system