2nd grade math tests for kids
2nd grade math tests for kids to practice grade 2 topics. Quizzes are on - Addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, sets, data and graphs, comparisons, numbers, place value, geometry, areas and perimeter of shapes, metric systems and measurements, estimation and rounding up, money and shopping lists, fractions, logic and more.
Add two numbers with sum up to 5

Add two numbers with sums up to 10

Adding number doubles

Addition expressions

Addition of 2 to 1 digit numbers

Addition of zero to numbers

Addition sentences up to 10

Addition sentences up to 5

Addition with pictures up to 10

Addition with pictures up to 5

Complete the addition sentence

Classification and ordering
Classify shapes by color

Compare and order numbers up to 100

Identify similar shapes

Indentify similar objects

Ordering numbers and shapes

Same and different shapes

Same structure but different

Compare amounts of money us dollars

Compare numbers 1 to 100

Compare objects in a mixed group

Compare objects more less or equal

Compare with different groups

Fractions illustrated with shapes

Fractions pictures halves 3rds 4ths

Fractions represented by shaded sets

Geometry and shapes
Congruent shapes

Identify shapes and click

Match parts of congruent figures

Relate solid to planar surfaces

Shapes and comparisons

Symmetry of shapes


Choose between open or closed for the shapes

Graph and Data
Data on graphs

Read data on bar graphs

Read data on graphs

Read the bar graphs

Read the data on the graph

Tables data using tally marks

Logical Reasoning
Logic with numbers

Logical reasoning with place values

Time logic exercise

Lighter or heavier

Size long or short

Size tall or short


Thermometer readings on thermometers

Compare amounts of money us dollars

Dime quarter penny us coins

Identify coins with pictures

Match money values with their names

Pennies and nickels

Convert arabic to roman numerals

Convert arabic to roman numerals 2

Identify even and odd numbers

Learn how to spell numbers

Names of number up to ten

Number before between after

Number line up to 10

Number line up to 20

Number lines beyond 20

Number lines up to 1000

Numbers spelling vs digits

Ordinal numbers up to 83

Ordinal numbers with position of objects

Representing numbers against figures from 1 to 3

Representing numbers up to 10

Roman to arabic numerals

Rounding up numbers to the nearest ten

Select even and odd numbers

Spell numbers up to 100

Spell numbers up to 20

Count dots up to 100

Count groups of ten

Count in fives

Count in twos

Count objects up to 20

Count tally marks up to ten

Estimation of objects

Tally marks up to 20

Complete sections of a pattern

Describing patterns with pictures

Place Values
Place value board arrow exercise

Place value in expanded form

Place value logic exercise

Place value matching exercise

Place value skills test

Place value to thousands

Place value up to tens

Place value with blocks

Positions and spatial sense
Inside or outside positions

Left middle or right positions

Left right positions

Location in a 3 by 3 grid

Positions above or below

Top middle or bottom

Probability more less or equally likely to happen

Subtract two numbers up to 10

Subtracting a number from its double

Subtracting numbers to get zero

Subtraction expressions

Subtraction with illustrations up to 10

Convert time units hours minutes

Distinguish between am and pm

Match time to clock reading

Read exact hours on analogue clocks

Read travel time schedules

Reading a calendar

Telling time on clocks

Time elapsed with clocks

Time logic exercise

Vocabulary sum or difference