kindergarten math worksheets
kindergarten math worksheets in printable PDF format. It features all math topics covered in kindergarten and contains well illustrated math worksheets with graphics that appeal to kids. If you are a teacher or homeschool parent, this is the right stop to get an abundant number worksheets for homework, tests or simply to supplement kindergarten math activities. Worksheets here are arranged according to kindergarten math topics and clicking on each topic enables you unlock a wealth of printable material.
Addition worksheets

- Addition with pictures
- Addition of dots
- Addition up to 10
- Addition to 1
- Addition of daily objects
Classification worksheets

- Classification of objects by size
- Classification of objects by shape
- Identify odd object
- Sort out similar shapes
- Classify similarity by color
Comparing and Sorting PDFs

- Comparing height
- Comparing weight
- Comparing pictures
- Comparing numbers
- Comparing more / less
Count Tally Marks PDFs

- Count tally marks to 3
- Count tally marks to 5
- Count tally marks to 10
- Count tally marks to 20
- Count tally marks to 30
Fraction worksheets

- Fraction of circles
- Fraction of objects
- Fraction of dots
- Fraction of fruits
- Halves, thirds, fourths etc
Graph worksheets

- Identify and represent data
- Linear graphs
- Plotting graphs
- field data vs graphs
- Bar graphs
Math Vocabulary PDFs

- Mathematical signs
- Addition sign
- Subtraction signs
- Notion of product
- Notion of sum etc
Measurement PDFs

- Thermometer readings
- Speedometer readings
- Measure lengths
- Measure heights of objects
- Measure trees etc
Money worksheets

- Identify coins USD
- Identify coins CAD
- Identify coins UK pounds
- Identify coins Euros
- Dime, Penny, Nickle etc
Numbers 1 to 100 PDFs

- Numbers 1 to 10
- Numbers up to 20
- Numbers up to 30
- Numbers up to 50
- Numbers up to 100
Numbers and Counting PDFs

- Number lines 1 to 10
- Number lines 10 to 20
- Number lines 20 to 30
- Number lines 30 to 40
- Number lines up to 100
Patterns worksheets

- Similar patterns
- Pattern with illustrations
- Growing patterns
- Completing patterns
- Matching patterns
Positions - worksheets

- Locate – left or right
- Locate left, right, middle
- Locate top bottom, middle
- Positions in 3 by 3 grid
- Positions inside , outside
Probability worksheets

- Spin the wheel probability
- Likely or unlikely
- Least likely to happen
- Learn the odds
- Aiming spree
Shapes - worksheets

- Identify shapes
- Trace shapes
- Circle, squares
- Cube, cone
- Daily life object shapes
Size worksheets

- Long or short
- Heavy or light
- Tall or short
- Capacity to contain more /less
- Compare daily life objects
Skip counting worksheets

- Counting in twos
- Counting in threes
- Counting in fours
- Counting in fives
- Counting with pictures etc
Subtraction worksheets

- Subtraction of apples
- Subtraction with picture aids
- Subtraction of 1 place numbers
- Subtraction of doubles
- Subtraction quick facts
Time worksheets

- Telling time on clocks
- Draw hour hand
- Draw minute hand
- Days of the week
- Time quick facts