1st Grade Math Card Games
1st grade math card games for kids to practice first grade math topics. Main activities covered include: addition, subtraction, time, mixed operations, numbers, comparisons, fraction, Roman numerals, spelling numbers, balancing addition and subtraction equations etc. Each set of cards has 36 cards, each containing 36 problems. Print out and laminate a set of cards, get children to sit around a table, taking turns drawing cards and answering questions. Print out the rules of the game plus a set of 36 cards below and make your 1st grade class or homeschooling experience with children fun.

- Addition of 2 to 1 digit numbers
- Ways to make numbers adding
- Adding doubles with pictures
- Addition of single digit numbers
- Adding 2 place numbers
- Comparing with pictures
- Comparison word problems
- Comparing numbers
- Comparison signs
- Greater, less than or equal to
- Fractions illustrated with circles
- Compare fractions with pictures
- Select correct picture of fraction
- Fraction vocabulary
- Fraction of dots & pictures
- Word add / subtract problems
- Addition
- Subtraction
- 'Sum' or 'difference' exercises
- Find missing signs in equations
- Even or odd numbers
- Number lines
- Counting tally marks
- Identify number spellings
- Roman numerals
- Subtract to get zero
- Subtraction sentence on pictures
- Find missing numbers in equations
- Subtracting zero
- Subtract with picture aids
- Days of the week
- Time daily activities
- Time minute facts
- A.M. & P.M
- Days in a month etc
- Time on clocks
- Time at exact hours
- Time 30 mins past
- Time on digital clocks
- and more on time